
Dr. Mukhtar Alomar

Dr. Alomar is a consultant clinical pharmacist-internal medicine at Dammam Health Network (DHN),

Eastern Health cluster.

In 2014, Dr. Alomar received a PharmD degree from King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa.

In 2014, Joined king Fahad medical city (KFMC) in Riyadh as a clinical pharmacy resident.

In 2016, Obtained Diploma in Clinical pharmacy practice from the Saudi Commission of health


In 2017, In-charge of the main inpatient pharmacy at KFMC.

In 2018, Internal medicine clinical pharmacy resident, King Saud university medical city (KSUMC).

In 2019, Clinical pharmacist-internal medicine pharmacotherapy specialist at KFMC.

From 2020 - Now, Head of clinical pharmacy service at DHN, Residency Educational Activities

coordinator in the Eastern Health Cluster residency program, and internal medicine clinical pharmacist.

IM PSN member

Dr. Alomar is board certified as a Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS) and a member of several

committees. Dr. Alomar’s areas of interest include research and academia.

Parallel sessions Track C: Clinical pharma and diabetes

Drug Interaction in DM