Ms. Hayat Alsaleh
Nurse Specialist and Team Leader of Wound & Ostomy Care in National Guard Hospital
–CR. Has experience of 14 years in wound management and Ostomy care. - Founder and team leader
of WOC team in MNGHA-CR. - Speaker in many courses in GCC region. - Head organizer for scientific
nursing committee of wound management symposium in ISPSS International Saudi Plastic Surgery
Symposium April 2018.
Relevant Details and Professional Achievements: - Completed Bachelor degree in chemistry in 2000
and Bachelor degree in nursing from KSA in 2005 - Completed IIWCC 2008-2009 - Finished master
degree in Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner from USA- 2013 - Post master studies in
wound, ostomy, and continence- 2013 - Certified board exam in chronic wound and ostomy care from
WOCNS,USA - Member in WOCN society, USA - Member in American Professional Wound Care
Academy, USA - Attended many courses in wound management regional and international
Parallel sessions Track A: Update in Diabetic foot Symposium + Diabetes