To All pharmaceutical and medical companies

To All pharmaceutical and medical companies

On behalf of the Saudi Health council represented by “Saudi National Diabetes Center”, we are pleased to invite you to participate and sponsor the 2nd Saudi National Diabetes Centre Conference & Exhibition”, a Hybrid event that will be conducted in Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia over 4 days, starting on 26 – 29 October 2022. The conference will accredit by SCFHS and designed for all health care professionals. This Forum is planned to be held every two years and to be the main national and international event on diabetes

Varying levels of sponsorship involvement are outlined in a selection of high profiles. We invite you to consider the benefits of participating as a sponsor. In addition, a trade exhibition will run in conjunction with the conference, offering organisations the opportunity to meet face to face with the health practitioner’s leader.
On behalf of the organiser committee, we recommend you take advantage of this unique opportunity. We are confident that the conference will provide both significant exposure and rewards for all participants and will provide everyone with new energy and great opportunities for business growth.

Kindly, if this conference is covering your interest, please contact us through the form below

    Participating companies will benefit in many ways, including: –


    1) Return on investment (ROI)

    First of all, event sponsorship drives success only when you have a system to track metrics. For starters, you’d want to know whether joining an event is worth the money and resources.

    The key here is to identify your primary goals; sales, lead generation, site traffic? Furthermore, have a system in place to watch the numbers. A decent campaign should drive website traffic, content engagement, and conversion rates.

    2) Audience insights

    With more than 3000+ (physical and online participants) Demographic data and saudiorl participants preferences from events are ideal for your business analysis. It shows which segment of your market likes a particular type of your services and which aren’t.

    3) Direct access to ideal percipients profile.

    As an saudiorl sponsor, you’ll have stronger opportunities to learn more about your customers. Almost all Event Troop will gather data with surveys, ticket sales, and social media activity. You can’t get enough of these so demand them at the onset.

    4) Lead generation

    saudiorl participants want to experience the event and learn about the brands there. Hence, they are more open to discover new products and services. Together, these participants constitute a pool of potential quality leads for diligent sponsors.

    5) Focused content strategy

    saudiorl as major events represent a wellspring for high-quality content. So how you create your messaging/pre- and post-event determine your business traffic.

    6) Opportunities for business will be closer

    Some participants will likely be existing leads in your nurture funnel. Because up-close interactions with warm prospects help you close the deal, go in prepared.

    7) Increase your international presence

    With over 3000+(physical and online) percipients, saudiorl provides your business with multiple opportunities to reach new and potential customers from across the globe.

    8) Increase brand exposure

    Exhibitors will get significant digital and printed brand exposure before, during and after the event through our marketing activities.

    9) Network with industry leaders & KOL

    Connect with potential clients saudiorl where 40%+ of the attendees are key figures from different entities and hospitals.

    10) Launch new products & services

    saudiorl is the largest Urology platform in the MENA region and a perfect avenue for you to showcase your latest products and services to an engaged audience that are looking for new business opportunities.

    11) Understand your product in the market

    Many exhibitors benefit from product and market testing that they carry out while exhibiting to gain general and healthcare industry opinion about their offerings.

    12) Advantage over absentee rivals

    As an saudiorl sponsor, you gain a competitive advantage over competitors who are absent. For that reason, go in with a game plan and outshine competitors on the sidelines.

    13) Direct face time with prospects

    Another pro is in-person interactions with customers. saudiorl are fantastic opportunities to drive a connection between your brand and healthcare professionals. This is your chance to create personalized experiences with demos/emails/swag, etc.

    14) Opportunity to reconnect with existing customers

    Be sure to engage warm prospects who attend saudiorl. Also, choose your lead nurturing flow based on where your clients are in the product’s journey. Based on your conversations, you can even go ahead with a well-timed ask for the close.

    15) Increased credibility as a brand

    Driving awareness about your brand is one thing. Inspiring respect and admiration are another. Thus, saudiorl sponsorships are a great way to drive the business and build credibility. You can also use saudiorl to position your brand in your niche accurately.

    16) Platform for post-event interactions

    Maybe saudiorl are short-lived but the relationships you build last a long while. Be sure to grab the opportunities for post-event meet-ups and conversations.

    17) In-house knowledge and resources

    Finally, the marketing / advertising folks behind an event sponsorship tend to be industry-savvy. Therefore, conversations with these peers are your opportunities to collaborate in the future.

    Please contact this email for more sponsorship details  :